Khamaganova Valentina Mikhailovna
East Siberia State University of Technology and Management
Abstract. The stating text "description" has the properties of a structural-semantic language model. The use of the semiotic principle reveals the structural and semantic basis of this text in the form of an actantial core. The actantial core expresses extensional and intensional semantics and performs a text-formative function. Extension and intension of the semantics of the stating descriptive text are organized hierarchically. The semantic properties of the description, caused by the cognitive nature of the object, made it possible to formulate the standard meta-language taxonomy of the semantic properties of actants. It is the typified text of the description, which has the obligatory structural and semantic components, the repetition of the main features, that verbalizes the information associated with the emergence of the invariant value of synchronism, traces back to the standard logical and semantic structure. It emphasizes the regularity of the structure of the descriptive text and indicates the possibility of its modeling.
Key words and phrases: текст типа "описание", актантное ядро, экстенсионал, интенсионал, типизированный текст, text of type "description", actantial core, extension, intension, typified text
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