Ershova Yuliya Sergeevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. The article deals with the religious-symbolic aspect of the modern Indonesian writer Dewi Lestari’s creative work by the example of three novels from the "Supernova" series: "Kshatrii, Princess and the Falling Star", "Roots" and "Wave". Lestari’s novels implement postmodern literary tendencies in the Indonesian version, and one of the key elements is the deconstruction of religious discourse. In this work the novels are analyzed from the point of view of using in the postmodernist manner some religious symbolism specific for the Malayan-Indonesian and world culture as a whole.
Key words and phrases: современная индонезийская проза, постмодернизм, религиозный дискурс, деконструкция, символика, Деви Лестари, "Супернова", modern Indonesian prose, postmodernism, religious discourse, deconstruction, symbolism, Dewi Lestari, "Supernova"
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