Yuzmukhametova Landysh Nurgayanovna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to essay genre in the modern Tatar prose. The author analyzes this phenomenon, the peculiarities of its content and form by the example of the Tatar writer M. Galiev’s creative work. Special attention is paid to the meaningful aspect, the depth of the analyzed genre and the usage of special devices and means allowing the writer to acquaint the reader with the historical facts and philosophical conclusions. The analysis of M. Galiev’s works indicates the absence of a single story-line, strict unified structure of text arrangement which is typical for essay genre. The researcher emphasizes the fact that narrator comes out as a main personage and his emotions and feelings, erudition and knowledge become the basic structure-formative element, impart motion and development to the text.
Key words and phrases: эссе, национальная проза, современная татарская литература, М. Галиев, синкретизм, essay, national prose, modern Tatar literature, M. Galiev, syncretism
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