Ji Ming
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. K. B. Barkhin is a well-known scientist who made a great contribution to the theory and practice of the Russian language teaching, especially to the methods of teaching reading to schoolchildren. In the article some of K. B. Barkhin’s works in the aspect of the development of schoolchildren’s reading skills are analyzed, the value of the ideas formulated by the scientists that can enrich substantially the modern teaching methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language is grounded in a different way.
Key words and phrases: К. Б. Бархин, обучение чтению, творческое чтение, тихое чтение, выразительное чтение, внеклассное чтение, K. B. Barkhin, teaching reading, creative reading, silent reading, expressive reading, extracurricular reading
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