Golyshkina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of the interview typologization, conditioned by the multiplicity of the foundations being put forward. The author proposes and grounds the rhetorical foundations for typologizing the interview, being set by the rhetorical canon as a technology of text formation, consisting of successive stages of producing the text. Each stage of the text creation is associated with the realization of the corresponding strategy of rhetorical text formation, which, in turn, determines the typological properties of the text and acts as an indicator of the type of the interview.
Key words and phrases: интервью, типологизация, основания, риторический канон, текстообразование, стратегии риторического текстообразования, типологические свойства риторического текста, interview, typologization, foundations, rhetorical canon, text formation, strategies of rhetorical text formation, typological properties of rhetorical text
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