Bakirova Lena Rifkhatovna
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The use of modern interactive teaching methods is a prerequisite to improving the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language in accordance with modern educational standards. The article presents some interactive methods and techniques, contributing to the development of communicative competence of foreign students. Special attention is paid to the role play, the creation of speech situations, project method, Position - Substantiation - Example - Result formula, as well as methodological techniques such as jigsaw, snowball, "Guess the word", etc.
Key words and phrases: русский язык как иностранный, коммуникативная компетенция, интерактивные методы, приемы, ролевая игра, речевая ситуация, Russian as foreign language, communicative competence, interactive methods, techniques, role playing, speech situation
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