Xiang Guangyun
Heilongjiang University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of new words creation in the modern poetry. The author examines the poems of Marina Khlebnikova, a Russian poet of the end of the 20th century. M. Khlebnikova used derivational methods which are typical for the modern poets’ word creation. She preferred morphological methods: word composition, composition with suffixation, suffixation. The author of the article proves that many new words which were created by Marina Khlebnikova have become a part of the Russian vocabulary and the property of the Russian culture.
Key words and phrases: новые слова, неологизмы, окказионализмы, поэзия, словотворчество, авторские неологизмы, словообразовательные модели, new words, neologisms, occasionalisms, poetry, word creation, authorial neologisms, derivational models
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