Lukova Natal'ya Vasil'evna, Garamyan Arusyak Vyacheslavovna
North Caucasian Federal University
Pyatigorsk State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the violation of the pronunciation norm of the Russian language in the speech of the Greeks-bilinguals. The aim of the article is to establish the supra-segmental characteristics of the speech of the North Caucasian Greeks. The typologically common and specific linguistic characteristics in the prosody of Russian and Pontic Greek standard and interferential questions are identified. The special type of realization of Pontic Greek questions is revealed. The interrelation between the interference of standard language systems and the presence of an accent in the speech of the Greeks is defined; the relevant area for the formation of accent features is singled out; the connection between the emergence of the quasi-center with the falling intonation and the interfering influence of the Pontic Greek prosodic system on the prosodic outline of Russian questions is ascertained.
Key words and phrases: просодия, супрасегментный, греки, билингвы, интерференция, специальный вопрос, prosody, supra-segmental, the Greeks, bilinguals, interference, wh-question
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