Kuzina Ol'ga Andreevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Branch) in Sevastopol
Abstract. By the material of the English-language media the article discusses the means of creating the image of state in media discourse. The paper analyses such means as the selection of facts, lexical means (the nominations and explicit and implicit connotations), stylistic devices (metaphors, allusions, comparisons) that allow you to create the image of a country with a certain evaluation. The conclusion is drawn about the creation of the image through a set of materials written in a single ideologically-evaluative way, with the constant actualization in the framework of the given paradigm of values.
Key words and phrases: медиадискурс, образ государства, номинация, коннотация, оценочность, идеология, media discourse, image of state, nomination, connotation, evaluativity, ideology
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