Abstract. The article deals with the ways of expressing the strategy of ignoring in the dialogues of the literary discourse. The author substantiates the thesis that the strategy of ignoring in the communicative situation is realized through various tactics (tactics of evasion, tactics of seizing the initiative, tactics of control over a topic) and in the literary text it can be represented by speech devices in a dialogue and by the description of non-verbal means in the author’s speech.
Key words and phrases: художественный текст, А. И. Куприн, диалог, коммуникативная ситуация, речевая стратегия, речевая тактика, стратегия игнорирования, параязык, кинесика, окулесика, literary text, A. I. Kuprin, dialogue, communicative situation, speech strategy, speech tactics, strategy of ignoring, paralanguage, kinesics, oculesics
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