Ivanov Dmitrii Igorevich, Lakerbai Dmitrii Leonidovich
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Ivanovo State University
Ivanovo State University
Abstract. The article proposes a new approach to the large-scale problem of individual style. Style uniqueness requires special modeling but the existing theoretical models either ignore it or incorrectly deduce from indifferent to uniqueness disciplinary strategies. Literary text is "the other" of the language therefore the accent should be made on meta-linguistic in relation to linguistics and literary criticism level of philosophy of language and literature where the dyad of author’s inevitability/freedom in the text becomes obvious. Esthetic object appears not beyond the "materiality" of world and language but in the language-space (subjective-linguistic space of co-authorship of language and writer), that’s where the individual style phenomenon appears.
Key words and phrases: стиль, идиостиль, эстетический объект, "другое" языка, язык-место, style, individual style, esthetic object, "the other" of language, language-space
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