Koreneva Yuliya Viktorovna
Moscow Region State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the topic related to the religious meanings of the word. The aim of the research is to establish the correlation of the semantics of the words ум (mind) and разум (reason) in the religious text in comparison with the data of the modern Russian language. It is substantiated that the semantics of these lexemes in the religious text is different from the non-religious use. It is also shown for the first time that in the religious text (by St. Ignatius) ум (mind) and разум (reason) are not simply various in semantics, but they are conceptualized differently ( разум духовный и плотский/ spiritual and carnal reason). On the one hand, such use corresponds fully to the paradigm of the Orthodox conceptual sphere; on the other hand, it has an individual difference from the "standard". Finally, the author comes to the conclusion that the instructiveness of the words of St. Ignatius gives, among other things, answers to the questions about the fundamental difference between mind and reason in the Orthodox education of a person.
Key words and phrases: ум, разум, симфония, лингвоконцепт, религиозная семантика, концептосфера, ум (mind), разум (reason), concordance, linguistic concept, religious semantics, conceptual sphere
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