Alkhaidari Basim Khasan Khrebit
The Department of the Russian Language of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Iraq
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of semantic variation of verbs on the basis of the subjects of gastronomic groups. The author considers the verbal metaphor of gastronomic nature in the aspect of direct and figurative meanings. The examples, revealed by the method of continuous sampling from the texts of fiction and modern media, as well as of colloquial speech, underlie this linguistic research.
Key words and phrases: глагольная семантика, метафора, глагольная метафора с семантикой гастрономии, полисемия, прямое и переносное значение, лексико-семантические парадигмы "приготовления и поглощения пищи", verbal semantics, metaphor, verbal metaphor with semantics of gastronomy, polysemy, direct and figurative meaning, lexical-semantic paradigms of "cooking and eating"
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