Kuznetsova Anastasiya Yur'evna
People’s Friendship University of Russia
Abstract. The article examines thoroughly the modern structure of the media in Transnistria and analyzes its characteristics. It is established that today the system of the mass media in Transnistria is represented by all types of media: press, radio, TV, Internet. Traditional media of the republic are distinguished greatly in the structure due to their distinctive characteristics - they operate on three official languages: Russian, Moldovan, and Ukrainian; the historical component; the presence of unique features typical only of traditional media of Transnistria. Here we distinguish, for example, the newspaper "Адевэрул нистрян", the world’s only newspaper, that is published in the Moldavian language in Cyrillic script. In the future, Transnistrian journalism will have to solve many important tasks, including the development of new media, media integration of Transnistria into the global information space.
Key words and phrases: Приднестровье, Республика Молдова, современная структура средств массовой информации, традиционные средства массовой информации, новые медиа, Transnistria, Moldova, modern structure of media, traditional media, new media
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