Kieva Zufira Khadzhibikarovna
Ingush State University, Magas; The Ingush Scientific Research Institute of the Humanities named after Ch. Akhriev, Magas
Abstract. The article deals with lexical-semantic category of polysemy, pointing to the ambiguity of the vocabulary of the Ingush language. The author addresses the problems of lexical ambiguity taking into account the synchronic and diachronic aspects of this linguistic phenomenon. The regularities of the development of polysemy of words are revealed. The reasons and factors of formation of lexical ambiguity are specified as well. Based on the analysis of linguistic material the microsystems of polysemy, having occurred during the transfer of the meanings of words, are identified.
Key words and phrases: ингушский язык, лексика, семасиология, полисемия, многозначность, семантика слова, переносное значение, the Ingush language, vocabulary, semasiology, polysemy, multiple meaning, word semantics, figurative meaning
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