Arzyamova Ol'ga Vital'evna
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the typology of compositional and speech structures, the methods of organization and contextual interaction of the "speech spheres" of the author and the characters with reference to the main dynamic trends of the domestic literary discourse of the XXI century. It is concluded that the traditional compositional and speech structures undergo significant changes that are accompanied by the following transformations: quantitative (in terms of volume), qualitative (in terms of language), structural (in terms of communicative and functional characteristics), genre (in terms of content, intraspecific and / or formal features).
Key words and phrases: текст, композиционно-речевые структуры, типология трансформаций, количественные трансформации, качественные трансформации, структурные трансформации, жанровые трансформации, text, compositional and speech structures, typology of transformations, quantitative transformations, qualitative transformations, structural transformations, genre transformations
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