Ai Huirong, Grigorai Irina Viktorovna
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of evolutionary development of the chorus functions as a conditional image and technique and its disappearance in the plays of Soviet playwright A. N. Arbuzov. In "The City at Dawn" where the chorus appears for the first time, there is a resemblance to the ancient drama in the compositional construction, the structure of the chorus and its functions. There is also a difference: the chorus includes heroes. In "The Irkutsk Story" the playwright separated the characters from the chorus and developed the connective role of the chorus between the stage and the auditorium shown in "The City at Dawn". The meditative-reflective function of the chorus became the main one. Against the background of the constantly increasing influence of the world, Arbuzov reduces the role of the chorus of "his people" in "The Happy Days of an Unhappy Man" and switches to the phonogram in "The Victress".
Key words and phrases: А. Н. Арбузов, хор, древнегреческая драма, медитативная функция, фонограмма, A. N. Arbuzov, chorus, Ancient Greek drama, meditative function, phonogram
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