Abstract. In the article the results of the research of motivational and educational-psychological readiness of students to study at a higher education establishment are presented. The authors consider the types of students’ readiness which are activated in the process of learning activity, as well as the correlation of the types of readiness with the efficiency of mastering the curriculum and, as a consequence, the possibility of achieving the subjective position of a student. The importance of using the interactive forms of teaching in the educational process is emphasized.
Key words and phrases: субъектная позиция студента, компетентностный подход, принцип студентоцентрированности, готовность к обучению, познавательная мотивация, интерактивные формы обучения, subjective position of student, competence-based approach, principle of student-centeredness, readiness to study, cognitive motivation, interactive forms of teaching
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