Mamonova Natal'ya Vasil'evna, Oliz'ko Natal'ya Sergeevna
Chelyabinsk State University
Abstract. In the article the ways of using the fractal modelling in cognitive linguistics are described. A fractal which serves as a means of organizing conceptual formations allows revealing the dynamic nature of the concept and studying the mechanisms of origin of order out of chaos. In the British fairy-tale discourse the local concepts HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY, representing the linguistic and sociocultural dominants of the latter, are realized through the fractal model "concentric circles".
Key words and phrases: лингвосинергетика, фрактал, самоподобие, порядок, хаос, концепт, сказочный дискурс, linguosynergetics, fractal, self-similarity, order, chaos, concept, fairy-tale discourse
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