Leskina Seda Vital'evna, Men'shikova Natal'ya Borisovna
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Branch) in Chelyabinsk
Abstract. The article deals with the phraseosemantic field of speech activity as one of the parts of the linguistic worldview; the criteria for assigning a linguistic sign to the field under consideration are singled out and named; the author’s understanding of the term "intention" is described. The article also names the boundaries of the microsystem "speech activity" and gives examples of phraseological units that are related on the basis of certain criteria to the group of negative communicative intention of the phraseosemantic field "speech activity".
Key words and phrases: фразеологизм, речевая деятельность, внутреннее содержание процесса речи, семантика говорения, речевые интенции, phraseology, speech activity, internal content of speech process, semantics of speaking, speech intentions
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