Abstract. The article is devoted to the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia which is evidence of the unique approach to solving problems of its documentary and literary covering. During the research the following stages of its development in the Karachay-Cherkess literature are revealed: the 50-70s and the 80-90s of the XX century. In its development documentary and literary prose in the Karachay literature relied on the traditions of the Russian literature. The author of the article traces for the first time the complex and contradictory way of development of literary and documentary prose about the war of the Karachay-Cherkess literature, its internal movement conditioned by the epoch, and determined by socio-political and historical reasons.
Key words and phrases: документ, вымысел, многогеройность, документальная проза, очерк, повесть, В. Нежинский, А. Суюнчев, С. Лайпанов, К. Р. Кипкеев, М. Батчаев, document, invention, consisting of many heroes, documentary prose, essay, novella, V. Nezhinskii, A. Suyunchev, S. Laipanov, K. R. Kipkeev, M. Batchaev
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