Rakhimova Tat'yana Anatol'evna, Danilenko Lyudmila Petrovna, Kryukova Yuliya Evgen'evna
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
Abstract. In the article the various aspects of communication between a teacher and a student in the educational process are considered, and several classifications of the styles of pedagogical communication are presented. It is emphasized that the knowledge of psychology and the mastering of communication techniques are a necessary condition for the management of the educational process. The authors single out the emotional basis as a characteristic feature of interpersonal relationship, in particular within the framework of the educational process. The issue of pedagogical facilitation is covered in the article as well.
Key words and phrases: педагогическое общение, психологические закономерности, стили общения, фасилитация, коммуникативная культура, pedagogical communication, psychological regularities, communication styles, facilitation, communicative culture
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