Sigal Kirill Yakovlevich
Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Abstract. The article deals with the semantic-stylistic properties of the Russian adversative conjunction "but" in their retrospection. By the material of Ivan Krylov’s fables the usage of this conjunction in the first third of the 19th century is shown, in particular, formal-grammatical and semantic syncretism, typical of its use, representing the process of the formation of the conjunction "but" is discovered.
Key words and phrases: противительный союз, семантика возместительности (или компенсации), синкретизм, орфография, стилистический синтаксис, басни И. А. Крылова, adversative conjunction, semantics of reimbursement (or compensation), syncretism, orthography, stylistic syntax, I. A. Krylov’s fables
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