Merkel' Elena Vladimirovna, Kikhnei Lyubov' Gennad'evna
Technical Institute (Branch) of M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Neryungri
Institute of International Law and Economics named after A. S. Griboyedov, Moscow
Abstract. The focus of the research is on the one hand, on the review written by B. M. Eikhenbaum for Anna Akhmatova’s book of poems "Plantain" in 1921, on the other hand - Akhmatova’s book of poems "Chetki" (1914) considered as an original super-textual structure. Basing themselves on B. M. Eikhenbaum’s ideas, the authors of the article believe that Akhmatova’s early lyric books are not metacycles, which they are generally considered to be, but lyric novels, that is semantic structures in which the lyric-novel and novelistic elements are indivisible. These ideas are proved by the material of Akhmatova’s book "Chetki", in the poems of which a clear meta-plot, typologically ascending to the psychological themes of novelistic prose, is revealed.
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