Gioeva Alina Ruslanovna
North Ossetian State University named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz
Abstract. The article deals with the basic linguocultural concept "death" as one of the important fragments of the English worldview. The main attention is focused on revealing the degree of significance of one or another seme component of the semantic volume of phraseological units denoting "death". The author proposes the taxonomic description of the English phraseological units expressing the concept "death" as well as the analysis of the semantic range of the phraseological units of the English language representing the views of the English about death.
Key words and phrases: вторичная номинация, таксономия, репрезентативность, языковая картина мира, семантический диапазон, secondary nomination, taxonomy, representativeness, linguistic worldview, semantic range
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