Stolbovskaya Margarita Anatol'evna
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Abstract. The article deals with compound adjectives used in aviation vocabulary of the English language. There are various classifications of compound adjectives in the paper. Different examples of models of compound adjectives are given; the most productive models are highlighted. The examples of word-combinations with compound adjectives are represented as well. The structure-semantic interconnection between components of the compound word is defined. The author considers that it is useful to pay more attention to word-formation at English classes of Technical Universities, especially to stem-composition, because compound words are widely used in scientific and technical literature. The knowledge of English word-formation system will enable to solve the problems connected with the translation of special literature and will motivate students to the professionally-oriented studying of the English language.
Key words and phrases: сложные прилагательные, сложные слова, модели, классификация, словосложение, компоненты, compound adjectives, compound words, models, classification, stem-composition, components
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