Kubaidulova Aisulu Yur'evna
Samara University
Abstract. The article focuses on the research of the thanatological subject matter in the diary of K. I. Chukovsky. The theme of death is one of the few issues that is present in the writer’s notes throughout 69 years of the diary keeping. The writer raises the question of death penalty and describes his experience of visiting the thanatological space of a crematory. Moreover, such interpretative models as "Thanatos as retribution" and "Thanatos as deliverance" are also mentioned in the diaries of K. I. Chukovsky.
Key words and phrases: дневник, К. И. Чуковский, Танатос, литературоведческая танатология, тема смерти, diary, K. I. Chukovsky, Thanatos, literary studies of thanatology, theme of death
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