Voevodina Galina Aleksandrovna
Yelets State University named after Ivan Bunin
Abstract. The consideration of the functioning of vocabulary entering the nuclear part of the language and usual one makes clear its specificity by the example of thematic groups of words. Taking into account the relation of nominative and connotative components in the semantics of lexemes, their function in the semantic space of language is determined. The results of the study suggest the dynamics of linguistic processes, indirectly representing the changes in the linguistic experience of native speakers.
Key words and phrases: названия профессий и должностей, номинация и коннотация, общеупотребительная и устаревшая лексика, самобытность ремёсел, сфера профессиональной деятельности человека, names of professions and posts, nomination and connotation, commonly used and outdated vocabulary, identity of crafts, sphere of professional activity of man
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