Ivanova Ol'ga Aleksandrovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Abstract. The article examines the key metaphors used by the German mass media when describing immigration processes occurring in Europe and, in particular, in Germany over the last three years. Comparing the research findings with the data on metaphorical activity in different years allows the author to identity the use of the same model when describing the situation with refugees. The registered activity periods of representants of the model "NATURAL DISASTERS" in diachrony allow concluding on the existence of metaphorical concept "Refugees - Catastrophe". There appeared new metaphors which call the refugees a resource. This can stimulate the replacement of the frame "ALIEN - BAD, DANGEROUS" by "ALIEN - NEW, USEFUL".
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафорический концепт, оппозиция "свой - чужой", композиты, фрейм, metaphor, metaphorical concept, opposition "the native - the alien", composites, frame
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