Yusupova Liya Gayazovna, Kuz'mina Ol'ga Dmitrievna
Kazan Federal University
Abstract. The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of animalistic proverbs of Russian and German having in their composition names of wild fauna representatives: mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and insects. The study shows that in the proverbs of both languages ?? the names of the animals that live on the territory of the peoples who speak a particular language are more frequently used, so in the Russian proverbs there are more animals’ names than in the German ones. As a result of the semantic analysis it is revealed that some animalistic components have the same meaning in the Russian and the German proverbs, but there are differences in the meaning of proverbs and sayings ??with the same zoonym in the languages under study.
Key words and phrases: всемирное культурное наследие, культура, лингвистика, фразеология, пословица, поговорка, зооним, анимализм, паремиологическая единица, антропология, этнология, world cultural heritage, culture, linguistics, phraseology, proverb, saying, zoonym, animalism, paremiological unit, anthropology, ethnology
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Deutsche Sprichw?rter? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 16.12.2016).