Khusainova Lyailya Midkhatovna
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sterlitamak
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the problem of stress position in the Bashkir language. The paper analyzes two conceptions adopted in Turkic studies: fixed stress in the last syllable and multi-positional stress. The author examines the theory of mono-syllabism in the Turkic parent language, provides the examples illustrating the stress shift from the first to the last syllable in polysyllabic words due to agglutination. The researcher identifies the double stress cases - two stresses within one word which are considered in the accentology as the primary and secondary stress.
Key words and phrases: башкирское языкознание, акцентология, система ударения, моносиллабизмы, многосложные слова, главное и второстепенное ударение, Bashkir linguistics, accentology, stress system, mono-syllabisms, polysyllabic words, primary and secondary stress
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