Zakroeva Galina Andreevna
Smolensk State University
Abstract. The article investigates the artistic hypnology system in Boris Pasternak’s novel "Doctor Zhivago". The novel as the writer’s final work accumulated significant ideological aspects of his creative way in the thematic and motive structures of the text. This article presents an analysis of oneirotops and oneiromotives compositionally located in the plot of the novel. In the novel there is a tendency that was formed in the first part of the book: after the character’s awakening there is a change of space or event line. Dream, being an archemotive, includes both traditional and individual-author’s semantics, which speaks about the features of Pasternak’s idiostyle.
Key words and phrases: художественная гипнология, мотив сна, онейросфера, сновидение, сопутствующая минимальная тема, artistic hypnology, motive of dream, oneirosphere, dream, concomitant minimal theme
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