Sukhorukova Yuliya Sergeevna
Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin
Abstract. The article touches upon the comparative aspect of the "na?ve" anatomical representation of the physiological characteristics of heart in the French phraseology and their actual scientific correspondence. The paper considers a group of phraseological units of the attributive model "heart + preposition + noun" and "heart + adjective / past participle". The author identifies metaphorically reinterpreted image and functions of the heart and attempts to explain the universal and national, culturally stipulated causes of such rethinking.
Key words and phrases: фразеология, наивная анатомия, лингвокультурная коннотация, атрибутивный компонент, соматизм, phraseology, naive anatomy, linguistic-cultural connotation, attributive component, somatism
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