Abstract. The article examines the word as a lexical unit in the linguistic and orthological aspects, introduces the typology of lexical mistakes. The author analyzes the expressions "civil marriage" and "civil partner" as the examples of most frequent lexical mistakes, provides the text fragment of linguistic expertise devoted to analyzing the semantics of these terms. According to the author, the text under examination is an example of practical cooperation between modern linguistics and jurisprudence.
Key words and phrases: слово, лексическая единица, лексическая норма, лексическая ошибка, типология лексических ошибок, судебная лингвистическая экспертиза, "гражданский брак", "гражданский супруг", семантика, word, lexical unit, lexical norm, lexical mistake, typology of lexical mistakes, judicial linguistic expertise, "civil marriage", "civil partner", semantics
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