Sibirko Nadezhda Sergeevna
Pyatigorsk State University
Abstract. Not only the attitude of the society to the mass media has been changing recently, but also the renewal of the very communicative space is taking place. In this new situation the study of publicism discourse has become one of the main objects of study of the communication theory. The task of the article is to show that the extralinguistic factors, namely, the sphere in which the verbal communication occurs, is a key factor of not only the formation of publicism style, but also its evolution: changing of its basic characteristics and appearance of its new genre forms.
Key words and phrases: коммуникация, публицистическое пространство, дискурс, жанр, языковые средства, СМИ, адресант, адресат, communication, publicistic space, discourse, genre, language means, mass media, addresser, addressee
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