Mikhailyukova Natal'ya Vladimirovna
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Abstract. The article provides linguistic analysis of urban signboard texts as a special genre of advertising discourse. The author summarizes the ways to realize signboard’s pragmatic function by the linguistic means of almost all language levels. The paper describes the diversity of language game techniques, and examines the types of creolization in signboard texts. The findings allow the researcher, first of all, to clarify the conception of speech genre as the situationally determined text type. Secondly, the paper contributes to text theory - basically by identifying the borders of text as a unit of speech. Thirdly, Far Eastern city’s linguistic image is still insufficiently investigated by the linguists.
Key words and phrases: язык города, рекламный дискурс, речевой жанр, малый письменный жанр, текст вывески, креолизация, urban language, advertising discourse, speech genre, small literary genre, signboard text, creolization
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