Leonov Anatolii Ivanovich
Voronezh State University
Abstract. The article discusses changes of accentual rules of the Russian language, caused by social changes in the Russian society in recent decades. It is noted that the change of the accentual norms does not correspond to the rules of the standard literary norm, but their spread in the professional environment is extremely stable, despite the best efforts of the Russian language normalizers. The author concludes that the change of accentual standards is due to intralingual factors. Norms change together with the development of language, and these changes are represented in the usage as innovations and co-existing variants. Since the development of language is a complex and not a straightforward process, fluctuations of accent norms are an inevitable stage of language development.
Key words and phrases: акцентные нормы, изменение норм языка, влияние профессиональной среды, профессиональный подъязык, частотность употребления, узус, внутриязыковые факторы, accentual norms, change of language norms, impact of professional environment, professional sublanguage, frequency of use, usage, intralingual factors
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