Sibiryakov Andrei Viktorovich
Ulyanovsk State University
Abstract. The article examines methodological potentials and limits of linguistic analysis of sectoral texts on wine-making. Analyzing English and Russian sectoral texts on wine-making the author covers linguistic phenomena in the sphere of linguistics focused on the problem of integration of language and consciousness, speech and thinking. The paper re-interprets and compares linguistic grammatical categories, explores their interaction with logico-semantic categories as linguistic analogues of logico-mental categories. The researcher discovers the essence of cogitological approach which manifests itself in dialectic integrity, i.e. proper thinking is formed by the language.
Key words and phrases: когитологический подход, когитема, морфотемный анализ, языкосознание, речемышление, гетерогенная система, виноделие, отраслевые тексты, предикатор, имплицитность, эксплицитность, cogitological approach, cogiteme, morphothemic analysis, linguistic consciousness, speech and thinking, heterogeneous system, wine-making, sectoral texts, predicator, implicitness, explicitness
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