Lavrent'eva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Abstract. The article suggests an analysis of the lexical unit "connection" in terms of its linguistic-philosophical comprehension. The author notes that the concept "connection" is far from having a full explanation in philosophy and in linguistic science as well. The article also considers the lexical unit "concept" that is currently characterized by an extremely high degree of use in all language spheres, which leads to ambiguity in the interpretation of its meaning. The author makes an attempt to draw the attention of linguists to the philosophical essence of the notion "concept", which in the future may allow reaching a common opinion about the nature of the functioning of this word-term in the language.
Key words and phrases: концепт, лингвофилософское осмысление, языковая картина мира, антропоцентрическая парадигма, консубстанциональность, concept, linguistic-philosophical comprehension, linguistic worldview, anthropocentric paradigm, consubstantiality
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