Ivanova El'vira Vasil'evna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg
Abstract. The article studies the topic of the world creation in the Evenkis’ myths and folklore in comparison with the biblical plots. The novelty of the work consists in the identification of possible parallels of the Evenkis’ mythology and folklore with the texts of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The analysis of myths and the heroic legend "Brave Sodani-Bogatyr" reveals that the image of the Creator and the stages of the Earth creation in them have some analogies with the texts of the Holy Scripture.
Key words and phrases: мифы, образ творца, этапы сотворения мира, фольклор эвенков, библейские сюжеты, myths, image of Creator, stages of Earth creation, Evenkis’ folklore, biblical plots
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