Kireeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Savelova Lyubov' Anatol'evna
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Abstract. The article provides linguo-cognitive description of two-root adverbs derived from the compound adjectives. They are of interest from the viewpoint of their conceptual importance specifics of which manifests itself through the functional and structural peculiarities. The authors analyze two-root adverbs with the initial component добро- (good-) included into the system of linguistic means representing the concept добро- (good-). The paper considers the peripheral status of compound adverbs in this system, their evaluative nature and peculiarities of inner form representing their representational and conceptual potential.
Key words and phrases: русский язык, двукорневое наречие, сложное прилагательное, внутренняя форма слова, концептуальная значимость наречия, the Russian language, two-root adverb, compound adjective, inner form of word, conceptual importance of adverb
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