Voeikova Anna Andreevna
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Branch) in Kaluga
Abstract. The article is devoted to the examination of the Russian advertising texts from the point of view of the theory of speech acts (J. Searle), and in particular such act as "directive". It has structural and grammatical features due to the specificity of the advertising text, on the one hand, and peculiarities of the Russian language system on the other. The purpose of the study is the identification of these features. As a result of the analysis it is found that the predicate in the form of the imperative had the highest frequency, while the infinitive, impersonal sentences, etiquette forms of politeness, etc. are represented more fragmentary.
Key words and phrases: прагмалингвистика, речевой акт, директив, рекламный текст, "ядро", "периферия", pragmalinguistics, speech act, directive, advertising text, "core", "periphery"
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