Mikhailova Marina Yur'evna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Abstract. The article describes the functional-semantic category of the inexpressible; the author shows the specificity of "the inexpressible" field in the paradigmatic, syntagmatic, associative and epidigmatic aspects, identifies the factors emphasizing the inexpressibility of "the inexpressible" field’s constituents and the factors weakening the inexpressibility of field’s constituents. According to the author, the associative plane of "the inexpressible" field indicates that the semantics of the inexpressible is associated with the sphere of feelings and emotions.
Key words and phrases: семантика невыразимого, функционально-семантическая категория, семантическое поле, измерения семантического поля, моделируемое пространство, semantics of the inexpressible, functional-semantic category, semantic field, planes of semantic field, imitation space
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