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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 2. Part 2. P. 151-155.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Lugueva Raiganat Gadzhinasrullaevna
Dagestan State University, Makhachkala

Abstract. This study examines the peculiarities of creating the enemy’s image in the Russian and Western mass media with the help of language means, aimed at the formation of the readers’ necessary opinion. The function of message in news articles is realized by means of lexical filling. The paper presents the most frequent linguistic techniques used to create the image of the enemy in the Russian and Western mass media: epithets, metaphor, different types of repetition, enumerations.
Key words and phrases: враг, образ врага, российские СМИ, западные СМИ, эпитет, метафора, повтор, перечисление, вопросительные предложения, enemy, enemy’s image, the Russian mass media, the Western mass media, epithet, metaphor, repetition, enumeration, interrogative sentences
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