Dzakhova Veronika Tambievna, Kalaeva Regina Olegovna
North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz
Abstract. The paper describes the comparative analysis of the phraseological units with the components Л?Г/MANN which will allow understanding the specificity of the Ossetian and German people and avoiding the dissonance while intercultural communicating. The research hypothesis is that the Ossetian language shows the society patriarchal constitution being preserved nowadays and expressed in the exactly set role of a man. The German language has the prescriptions describing woman’s duties but man’s role is little-known.
Key words and phrases: языковая картина мира, фразеологизмы, национально-культурная специфика, осетинский язык, немецкий язык, language worldview, phraseological units, national and cultural specificity, the Ossetian language, the German language
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