Statnik Oksana Georgievna
Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University (Branch) in Rybnitsa
Abstract. The article considers the essence and structure of the communicative situation as the main component of communicative activity, as well as the possibility and condition of its use in the educational process in a foreign language, and summarizes different points of view on this issue. Special attention is paid to the requirements of the teacher in the process of implementation of communicative situations in classes. The examples of communicative situations created by the author for students - future teachers, studying German as a second foreign language, are provided.
Key words and phrases: коммуникативная ситуация, учебно-речевая ситуация, моделирование, обучение общению, иноязычное общение, немецкий язык как второй иностранный, communicative situation, training and speech situation, modeling, communication training, foreign language communication, German as second foreign language
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