Yusupalieva Liliya Nazhipovna, Agleeva Zukhra Ravil'evna
Astrakhan State Medical University
Astrakhan State University
Abstract. The article analyzes the structure of the concept "Education" represented in the story by Vladimir Tendryakov "The Retribution" by the integrity of static and dynamic cognitive models. The authors examine the sub-concepts "teacher", "pupil", "school" which include concept-elements, scenarios and scenes. The paper describes the certain means for verbalization of cognitive structures represented in the communicative-discursive space of the story.
Key words and phrases: педагогический дискурс, когнитивные структуры, лингвокогнитивистика, концептосфера, модель-схема, pedagogical discourse, cognitive structures, linguo-cognitivistics, conceptual sphere, pattern model
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