Abstract. The Soviet rock-culture of the 70-80s of the XX century developed a specific type of synthetic language personality. The structure of this cognitive-pragmatic unit is very complex: it consists of a number of discursive systems, each of which undergoes transformation in case of hitting the "coordinates" of rock-culture. The authors state that neomythological discourse is the centre of the discursive system of a synthetic language personality, and all the other elements can be considered as forming near and far peripheries.
Key words and phrases: синтетическая языковая личность, мифологизм, неомифологизм, синкретизм, синтетический текст, интермедиальность, дорефлективный традиционализм, дискурсивные системы, рок-культура, synthetic language personality, mythologism, neomythologism, syncretism, synthetic text, intermediality, prereflective traditionalism, discursive systems, rock-culture
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