Makhmutova Diliya Fanilovna
Bashkir State University, Ufa
Abstract. The article is devoted to the complex research of the evaluative filling of binary oppositions "white - black", figuratively significant, largely influencing the thinking and verbal behaviour of the modern man, in their heterogeneous in the structural-semantic aspect representations in Russian, English and Tatar. The study is conducted within the framework of the cognitive paradigm, dominant in the sphere of polyparadigmatism of the contemporary theoretical linguistics.
Key words and phrases: оппозиция, белый - черный, универсальные, общие и специфические зоны, оценка, семантическая структура, семантическая зона, метафора, бинарность, opposition, white - black, universal, general and specific zones, evaluation, semantic structure, semantic zone, metaphor, binarity
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