Kamaeva Rima Bizyanovna
Yelabuga Institute of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Abstract. The article examines synonymy and antonymy of phraseological units represented in the novels by Tatar writers N. Fattakh, M. Khabibullin, V. Imamov, and F. Safin. The analysis of linguistic material indicates that in the literary works the authors describe their personages using phraseological synonyms and antonyms of different structure. These stable units clearly represent the figurativeness, emotionality, national colour of the Tatar language and testify to the writers’ mastery.
Key words and phrases: фразеологические единицы, фразеологические синонимы, синонимический ряд, фразеологические антонимы, phraseological units, phraseological synonyms, synonymic line, phraseological antonyms
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